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How to get started

Before getting started#

Before starting your integration, you must have valid credentials to use our API. You can obtain your credentials through this page.

After completing your registration, your credentials will be available in the merchant dashboard, under the Integrations tab.


Your credentials are unique and should never be shared with third parties.



Generating new tokens in the portal takes immediate effect and invalidates previously generated credentials.

Integration options#

PicPay offers several integration options. Below, we will discuss each one so you can understand which is the best option for your e-commerce.

IntegrationWho it's forLink to the step-by-step
VTEXRetailers who are already integrated or have a partnership with VTEX;VTEX
Magento 2Lojistas que possuem seus e-commerces com Magento 2Magento
Public APIRetailers who want to create and customize their own experience (whether through web, apps, or other channels).Public API

We are working to develop new integrations. Want to learn more or interested in a specific platform? Send us an email at Are you a developer with a need for a specific platform? We accept PRs.

Testing your integration#

Currently, PicPay does not provide a Sandbox environment. All tests will be conducted in the production environment and do not incur any costs to the developer/retailer. Additionally, all payments made can be immediately refunded through our cancellation API or the merchant dashboard.


Next steps#

Getting help#

We hope this article has been helpful! If you have any remaining questions, you can check our FAQ or contact us via email at