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πŸ“„οΈ /recurrency/plans

This endpoint is used to create new subscription plans. Subscription plans define the terms, prices and benefits associated with different levels of service offered to customers. When creating a new plan, pertinent details such as the plan name, description, price, duration, and any other relevant attributes must be provided in the body of the request. Upon successful creation, the system returns the complete details of the newly created plan, including a unique identifier for future reference.

πŸ“„οΈ /recurrency/plans/{planId}

This endpoint is used to update the details of an existing subscription plan based on the provided ID. Subscription plans may need to be updated to reflect changes in terms, pricing, benefits or other attributes associated with the plan. When submitting an upgrade request to this endpoint, pertinent plan details such as name, description, price, duration, and features must be provided in the body of the request. The ID of the plan to be updated must be specified in the URL. After successful update, the system returns the updated plan details.