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Standard Checkout and Lightbox

PicPay offers two checkout solutions optimized for merchants: Standard Checkout and Lightbox Checkout. Both are designed to offer simplified and protected transactions, ideal for businesses looking for efficient payment integration without the complexity of PCI DSS certification.

Payment Process Flow​

The payment process in PicPay Standard and Lightbox Checkouts follows a clear and structured flow:

  1. Start of Checkout: The consumer starts the checkout process on the merchant's website.
  2. Request for Checkout: The merchant requests PicPay to create a checkout, providing the necessary purchase and buyer data.
  3. Receiving the Checkout URL and ID: PicPay responds with the URL and ID of the created checkout.
  4. Redirecting the Consumer to Checkout: The merchant redirects the consumer to the PicPay checkout page, using the URL provided.
  5. Displays the Checkout Page by PicPay: PicPay displays the checkout page to the consumer, where they can choose the payment method.
  6. Choice of Payment Method by the Consumer:
    • Credit Card Payment: The consumer enters their credit card details and PicPay processes the payment, confirming the transaction to the consumer.
    • Payment with PicPay Wallet: The consumer chooses to pay with PicPay Wallet, and PicPay displays a QRCode. The consumer then makes the payment in PicPay app by scanning the QRCode, and PicPay confirms the payment to the consumer.
    • Payment with PIX: The consumer chooses to pay using PIX and PicPay displays a QRCode, The consumer then makes the payment by scanning the QRCode or using the β€œPix Copy and Paste” function in their bank app.
  7. Payment Notification to the Merchant: After payment is completed, PicPay notifies the merchant about the payment, regardless of the method used.
  8. Confirmation of Receipt of Order to the Consumer: The merchant confirms receipt of the order to the consumer.

It is crucial that the request to create the checkout is made exclusively from the merchant's backend, never through the website's frontend. This approach ensures the integrity and confidentiality of PicPay credentials, protecting against exposure of sensitive data and possible security vulnerabilities.

Transaction authenticated with 3DS

At the moment of creating a checkout, the merchant can request the use of 3DS authentication. Learn more.

Comparison and Benefits: Standard vs Lightbox​

While both solutions - Standard Checkout and Checkout Lightbox - provide a secure and efficient payment experience, they differ in the way they interact with the end user.

Standard Checkout​

In Standard Checkout, customers are redirected to a secure PicPay payment page. After completing the payment, they are redirected back to the merchant's website. This solution is ideal for merchants looking for a simple and secure payment process, without the need for complex integration.

Checkout Lightbox offers a more integrated approach. Here, payment takes place within an iframe superimposed on the merchant's page, keeping customers on the website throughout the process. This option keeps the customer involved in the store environment without abrupt deviations.


  • Security: Both methods use PicPay's secure environment to process payments, ensuring the protection of customer information.
  • Convenience for Merchants: Ease of integration and use, with technical support from PicPay.
  • Adaptability: Suitable for merchants without PCI DSS certification, both minimize the security burden on the merchant's website.

Choosing the Best Option​

The decision between Standard Checkout and Lightbox should be based on the user's interaction preferences and the structure of the merchant's website. While Standard Checkout is simpler to implement, Lightbox offers a more immersive and potentially more engaging customer experience.