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Welcome to PicPay E-commerce!​

PicPay E-commerce is the ideal solution for sellers who want to make online sales in a safe and efficient way. This manual was created to facilitate your integration with PicPay E-commerce, offering a comprehensive overview of our services and how they can optimize your online transactions.

Why choose PicPay E-commerce?​

  • Security and Reliability: We use the best security practices to ensure safe transactions for you and your customers.
  • Integration Flexibility: We offer multiple checkout options to adapt to your business.
  • Technical Support: Our team is always available to help you at each stage of the integration.

Stay Updated​

We suggest that you periodically follow this portal to be aware of updates and new versions of the documentation. This will ensure that you are always aligned with PicPay E-commerce best practices and news.

This documentation is structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of PicPay E-commerce services, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced technical details.

Below you'll find a quick guide to what each section covers:

  • Standard Checkout and Lightbox: Learn about the Standard Checkout and Lightbox options, their features, differences and how they fit into the needs of your business.
  • Transparent Checkout: Explore the Transparent Checkout solution, ideal for merchants looking for an integrated and personalized payment experience.
  • Sandbox: Learn how to configure and test your integrations in PicPay's Sandbox environment before going to production.
  • Authentication: Details on how to authenticate your PicPay API calls.
  • Webhook: Information about configuring and using webhooks for event monitoring.
  • Certificates and Security: Understand the importance of PCI DSS compliance and the security practices implemented by PicPay.
  • API Reference: See detailed PicPay API documentation, including endpoints, parameters and responses.

Each section has been carefully crafted to provide the information you need to efficiently integrate with PicPay payment services.

Payment Methods and Features​

To ensure transparency and help you better understand the scope of our services, we provide an overview of the features available for each card brand. This table displays the features supported by PicPay E-commerce for PIX and for the main card brands, allowing you to quickly see which features are available for Mastercard, Visa, Elo, Amex and Hipercard.

Automatic Captureβœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…
Delayed Captureβœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βŒ
Installment Creditβœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βœ…βŒ
3DS Authenticationβœ…βœ…βœ…βŒβŒβŒ

Next steps​

We are excited to see you implement PicPay E-commerce in your business. If you have any questions or need support, our technical team is ready to help. Let's start?