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Magento Plugin

The PicPay Open Arrangement module is a payment solution for online stores that use Magento Open Source or Adobe Commerce. It makes the integration of PicPay features easier and allows store owners to accept payments with credit cards and Pix, quickly, safely and reliably.

The module is easy to install and configure, requires no programming and is available in Portuguese and English. It is also fully responsive, which means it automatically adapts to any screen size.

Among the main features, we highlight:

  • Payments with Pix
  • Payments with credit cards
    • Configuration of which cards to accept
    • Configuration of installments, with option to choose between installments with interest, without interest or even interest per installment.
  • Action log: it is possible to check requests, responses and callbacks.
  • Automatic order status update
    • By registering your webhook, you will automatically receive payment updates
  • Available in Portuguese and English
  • Fully responsive
Magento Payment Screen Magento Payment Mobile Screen


The module is compatible with Adobe Commerce version 2.3.6+ and is available in Portuguese and English.

  • Account created on PICPAY. Create yours here!
  • Magento 2.3.6+ installed
  • PHP 7.1+

Module installation​

The PicPay module is in our Github repository.


composer require picpay/ecommerce-integration-magento2

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy pt_BR en_US

Manual Installation​

  • Install the other dependencies, with the commands below:
composer require firebase/php-jwt:*
composer require bacon/bacon-qr-code:*
  • Download the module from Github, unzip the files into the folder
  • Then run the installation commands
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy pt_BR en_US

Uninstall the module​

  1. Remove the module, this will depend on how it was installed


Run the remove command via composer:

composer remove picpay/ecommerce-integration-magento2


Remove the folder:

  1. Run the update commands
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy pt_BR en_US


To configure the Magento 2 module in your online store, make sure that the module has been properly installed.

To configure the PicPay module for Magento 2, go to:

  • Admin Panel > Sales > Picpay Checkout > Settings > find the PicPay option within the Other Payment Methods menu;

  • Access the module Settings menu within Sales

Magento Menu Screen

  • Then, in the PicPay menu, click on PicPay Checkout.

Don't forget to set up the Webhook URL in your PicPay account in the Business Panel.

Example of a Webhook URL:

Credentials and General Settings​

In this tab, you must enter the credentials used for PicPay services, as this configuration enables the use of the PicPay module. The credentials can be found in the PicPay Panel, in the "Integrations" tab.

Below are the details of each configuration:

  • API Key: Enter your API key for your API Secret here.
  • API Secret: Enter the token used to authenticate your transaction here.
  • Webhook Token: Authentication token generated when creating the notification URL in PicPay.
  • Use Test Environment: If enabled, the transaction will be made in the PicPay test environment.
  • Soft Descriptor: The soft descriptor allows merchants to provide customers with brief information about the business that processed a charge.
  • Show Payment Information on Success Page: If your store shows payment information on the success page, DO NOT enable this feature.
  • Enable Request Log: By enabling this feature, logs will be recorded on the server for debugging purposes.

Magento Configurations Screen

Address attributes​

In these fields you must relate the Street, Number, Complement and Neighborhood parameters with the order of the address lines present on the checkout page.

  • Street: Address Line 1
  • Number: Address Line 2
  • Complement: Address Line 4
  • Neighborhood: Address Line 3

Magento address attributes screen

Enabling/Configuring Payment Methods​

Credit card​

In the credit card settings, you can choose to activate or deactivate the method, define the method title, the order status and installment settings.

Magento credit card settings screen


In this field, you will configure the address data that will be sent to Pix:

  • Enabled: Determines whether the payment method will be displayed at checkout.
  • Title: Defines the name of the payment method displayed during checkout.
  • Checkout Instructions: Instructions to be shown on the checkout page.
  • Minutes to Expiration: Defines the time in seconds until the transaction expires.
  • New Order Status: Defines the order status after payment is completed.
  • Paid Order Status: Defines the order status after purchase is completed.
  • Paid Virtual Order Status: Defines the order status after purchase is completed for virtual products (without physical delivery).
  • Ordering: Defines the order in which the payment method will be displayed. If not defined, it will be included based on the latest updates to the method.
  • Countries Accepted for Payment: Specifies the countries where this payment method can be used.
  • Minimum Order Amount: Sets the minimum amount required to complete an order with this payment method.
  • Maximum Order Amount: Sets the maximum amount allowed to complete an order with this payment method.

Additional features​

Request Grid​

This feature allows the administrator to view requests, and PicPay responses, with this feature, it is no longer It is necessary to look for log files to check responses and errors.

Magento request listing screen


In this feature, we present the Callbacks in the Magento options menu.

If there is any error return, for example, chargeback, refund or capture, the error record can be found in the Magento log file itself, located at:



Using this menu, you can view the callback payload returned to PicPay.

Path: Sales > PicPay Checkout > Callbacks

Callback Grid​

Just like the request grid, the callback grid allows you to validate what was returned by PicPay in the automatic order update.

Magento callbacks listing screen

Order View​

On the order viewing page, you can check all the information relevant to PicPay and you can also check the callbacks for this request

Magento order preview screen Magento order preview screen - PicPay - Callbacks