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Discover How to Test the API

Using Swagger UI​

For an interactive testing experience with our API, we provide a Swagger UI. Follow the steps below to test the API:

  1. API Reference Access: First, go to our API Reference. Here, you will find all available endpoints and can explore the detailed specifications of each one.

  2. Access Token Generation: To test the endpoints, you will need an access token. This can be achieved using the /oauth2/token endpoint, which is the first one listed in the API reference. Use your sandbox credentials to generate the token.

  3. Authentication in Swagger UI: After generating the token, click the "Authorize" button in Swagger UI and enter the access token. This will allow you to make authenticated requests directly from the Swagger interface.

  4. Test the Endpoints: With the token configured, you can use the "Try it out" functionality to make test requests directly through the Swagger UI interface.

Import into Postman​

For developers who prefer to use Postman, our API can be easily imported:

  1. Download API Reference: Download the API reference in YAML format from this link.

  2. Import into Postman: In Postman, use the import option to load the API reference you downloaded. This will automatically configure all the endpoints and parameters needed to test the API.

  3. Configure Credentials: Just like with Swagger UI, you will need to generate an access token and configure it in Postman to authenticate your requests.

Testing Tips​

  • Always test the most common usage scenarios to ensure correct integration.
  • Check error handling and responses for different types of requests.

These steps will give you a comprehensive understanding of how our API works and how to integrate it with your applications.