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Introduction to the Sandbox Environment

What is the Sandbox Environment?​

The sandbox environment is an isolated test area that simulates the Payment API production environment, but operates securely and separately without processing actual financial transactions. This environment is ideal for developers who want to experiment, test, and validate API integration before releasing their applications into a production scenario.

Purpose of the Sandbox​

The main purpose of the sandbox environment is to provide a space where you can test the API without the risk of affecting real data or incurring financial transactions. He allows:

  • Test the API integration with your system or application.
  • Simulate transactions to understand how the API responds to different scenarios.
  • Check error handling and unexpected behavior.
  • Ensure your application is ready for production.
  • By using the sandbox environment, you have the freedom to experiment and learn about the API in a controlled and safe context.

Features available in Sandbox:​

  • Authorization
  • Automatic capture
  • Late Capture
  • Partial and Total Cancellation